Joyce Meyer's Daily 10 August 2017 Devotional: Releasing the Weight of Worry


Topic: Releasing the Weight of Worry [Thursday August 10, 2017]

And who of you by worrying and being anxious can add one unit of measure (cubit) to his stature or to the span of his life? – Matthew 6:27

It is one thing to know that we should not worry, but it is quite another to be thankful for that truth and then actually stop worrying. One of the things that helped me let go of worry was finally realizing how utterly useless it is. Let me ask you: How many problems have you solved by worrying? Has anything ever gotten any better as a result of you worrying about it? Of course not.

The instant you begin to worry or feel anxious, give your concern to God in prayer. Release the weight of it and totally trust Him to either show you what to do or to take care of it Himself. Prayer is a powerful force against worry. I’m reminded of an old gospel chorus called “Why Worry When You Can Pray?” When you’re under pressure, it’s always best to pray about your need instead of fretting or complaining about it.

Prayer of Thanks: Father, I thank You that I don’t have to live a life full of worry. I thank You that I can come to You in prayer the moment I begin to worry about something and I can cast my care on You. Help me make the wise choice to stop worrying and start trusting You today.