Joyce Meyer’s Daily 22 September 2017 Devotional: Sickness Isn’t Only Physical!

Joyce Meyer's Daily 22 September 2017 Devotional: Sickness Isn't Only Physical!

Topic: Sickness Isn’t Only Physical! [Friday September 22, 2017]

The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed and commissioned me to bring good news to the humble and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up [the wounds of] the brokenhearted, to proclaim release [from confinement and condemnation] to the [physical and spiritual] captives and freedom to prisoners. — Isaiah 61:1

The Bible teaches that Jesus came to heal our wounds, to bind up and heal our broken hearts, and to give us beauty instead of ashes and the oil of joy instead of mourning (see Isaiah 61:1-3).

Many Christians read this scripture and know that God wants to heal us from physical and spiritual sickness, but there’s more to it than that. The truth is that our emotions are part of our makeup, and they can become sick like any other part of us.

The world today is full of people who are suffering from emotional pain. The cause is often abuse, rejection, abandonment, betrayal, disappointment, judgment, criticism or other negative behavior by others. This emotional pain can be more devastating than physical pain because people feel that they have to hide it and pretend it isn’t real.

 If you have an emotional wound in your life, you need to know that Jesus wants to heal you. Don’t make the mistake of thinking He is interested only in your spiritual and physical life. Take your wounds to Him. Jesus wants to heal you everywhere you hurt!

Prayer Starter: Lord. Thank You for caring about every part of me…including my emotions. Any emotional pains and wounds that I have, I bring to You. I know that You can heal and restore me.

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries