You Need To Restitute In This Area. Pt One


A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: You Need To Restitute In This Area. Pt One [23/09/2017]

And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold. Luke 19:8. Read: Lk 19:1-10

Both in the old and new testament, the bible teaches or emphasises restitution. Restitution simply means, making wrong right. Restoring back what has been ignorantly, forcefully or cunningly collected from a person. Today in Christendom, many of our ladies are guilty of this, in fact, they need to restitute to some Christian brothers they’ve cunningly exploited.

You are asking how? As a Christian lady, you dupe a Christian brother when he approached you for a marriage relationship and deep within you, you know that you cannot marry the brother, and out of his love for you, he kept bringing you gifts in anticipation that you will agree to his proposal and you kept collecting them. What it means is that, you are deceptive and covetous. You are just like someone who said, I don’t like this food yet he kept inhaling the aroma of the food. I know you did not force him to give you gifts, but your conscience bears you witness why he is bringing it. As a child of God, you don’t need to collect it from him, turn it down from him to know you don’t need him and his gifts. If you have been involved in this act, you must restitute as a sign of a genuine Christian and if you have not been involved, don’t!. You must be different from the world, don’t exploit your fellow brethren.


Don’t start what you can’t finish. If you don’t love him, don’t collect his gifts.