Joyce Meyer’s Daily 23 September 2017 Devotional: God Isn’t Glorified Through Our Suffering

Joyce Meyer's Daily 23 September 2017 Devotional: God Isn't Glorified Through Our Suffering

Topic: God Isn’t Glorified Through Our Suffering [Saturday September 23, 2017]

The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, Because the LORD has anointed and commissioned me to bring good news to the humble and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up [the wounds of] the brokenhearted, to proclaim release [from confinement and condemnation] to the [physical and spiritual] captives and freedom to prisoners. — Isaiah 61:1

Many Christians live under the false idea that God wants them to suffer. This creates a nonstop victim mentality.

Suffering is inevitable, but God does not find joy in our suffering. It blesses God when we have a good attitude during our suffering—and He wants us to be victorious! So why would we choose to remain bitter, angry, and wounded or depressed?

There’s one surefire way to overcome suffering with the right attitude: Set your mind, and keep it set, on things above, not on things of the earth. You must be armed with right thinking, or you will give up during hard times.

Set your mind and be fully aware that moving from being a victim to being a victor will not be a quick process. It will take time, but your experience will make you stronger and enable you to help others who are facing similar battles.

Get excited about your future and realize that going through something with God means that you will come out on the other side with a victory that cannot be taken away from you.

Prayer Starter: God, I need Your help to overcome a victim mentality. I choose to set my mind on things above so that I can have the right attitude. With Your thoughts and truth inside me, I know I can overcome.

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries