God Has a Truckload of Grace for You — Charisma News



The Lord said: “I am bringing you another load of my mercy and grace.” (Getty Images/iStock/Getty Images Plus/TomasSereda)

Earlier this week, I felt overwhelmed by anxiety. The worry was mostly caused by financial pressure and by a nagging fear of failure. I tried my best to put into words my fears and frustrations, but my prayers were basically a series of groans.

So many doubts assaulted my mind: Will the money run out? Did I follow God’s plan correctly? Did I even hear God in the first place?

Then a clear picture popped into my mind, and I knew it was an impression from the Holy Spirit. I saw an aerial view of the street where I lived in the Atlanta suburbs during the 1970s. And I saw a huge semitruck parked in front of my house. I asked the Lord what He was showing me.

My mind was flooded with memories of what God did in my life when I lived in that house in 1976. I experienced a divine intervention in the fall of that year, just weeks before I was to leave home for college. I was filled with the Holy Spirit that September, and my life was radically redirected. The Lord saved me from following my own selfish plans, and He put me on the right path.

I asked the Lord why He was showing me a semitruck parked in front of my house on Autumn Hill Drive. He spoke to my heart: “It was when you lived in that house in 1976 that I brought you a load of my grace and mercy.”

I immediately thanked Him for all He had done for me. I was reminded of Psalm 103:4, which says in the International Children’s Bible: “He saves my life from the grave. He loads me with love and mercy.”

But then I saw another picture in my mind, and this time, the semitruck was parked in front of the house where I live now. The Lord said: “I am bringing you another load of my mercy and grace.” And I was reminded of Ephesians 1:7-8 (MEV), which says we have redemption and forgiveness “according to the riches of His grace, which He lavished on us.”

Again, I had to pour out my heart in thanksgiving. God’s grace doesn’t just come once. His grace is not rationed in small quantities. The word “lavish” means “to cause to abound and overflow.” What happened at Calvary did not end there. He opened a fountain then, but it continues to gush today. He brings His grace to us in truckloads, and then He brings more!


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