God Is Preparing a Spiritual Backdraft for the Ekklesia .



I had heard the word “backdraft” in a time of prayer. (Pixabay/MarkusVogt)

Recently while attending a conference, I shared with a friend of mine a word I had heard in my spirit a few days prior to this event. As a prophetic voice,  releasing words stamped with the Lord’s name is not something I take lightly. I like to talk with a few other seasoned prophetic people so the word can be judged. I had heard the word “backdraft” in a time of prayer. My friend and I discussed this word and its meaning, and we talked about a motion picture bearing this same name and how the backdraft related to the body of Christ. I had no way of knowing that a few hours later, a guest speaker whom I did not know would mention this very term as well as the content of our conversation which he did not hear to those attending the conference. The Holy Spirit likes to confirm to us when we are hearing His voice.

The day I heard this word, I immediately looked up the definition. A backdraft is defined as, “a phenomenon in which a fire that has consumed all available oxygen suddenly explodes when more oxygen is made available, typically because a door or window has been opened”. I sought the Lord as to what He was saying, and I realized that we had just stepped into the new Jewish year, 5778. It is the year of the open door.

Prepped for a Spiritual Backdraft

The Holy Spirit revealed to me that a second wind is coming to individuals and to the ekklesia, and it is coming through the open door. The fire which stirs on the altar of His people’s hearts has been contained. The devil is a great fire fighter among the people of God. He does not care about contained fires, but when you start igniting cities, regions and nations with the power of God, he will try and keep you watered down so that you pose no threat. The spirit of religion will confine within the four walls, convincing many they have all that is needed with “us four and no more” to sustain a meager campfire.

Many are taking the wind from conferences, weekly gatherings and seasoned leaders to maintain the fire on the altar of their hearts. We can find ourselves using up every bit of wind in those moments only to sustain a flame. We have made the fire more about us and less about Him. As long as we have enough wind to sustain our fire, we remain content. But God does not come with contentment. He comes to agitate the roar of the fire with the desire to consume and to make us consistently combustible.

The Open Door for the Priesthood

This fresh breath of spiritual oxygen has the ability to cause an explosion in the spiritual realm because of the new year upon us in the Spirit. This open door has made the ekklesia a potentially dangerous fire hazard to the powers of darkness. We have been prepped for a spiritual backdraft, a holy explosion of His all-consuming fire.


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