Have You Fallen for This Widespread Lie? .



Once you know the truth, you’ll be shocked you believed anything different. (Pixabay)

Have you ever noticed that most Christians think they are pretty decent people? You know, we have all those “good” things to our credit: going to church, tithing, giving offerings, teaching Sunday school. How could anyone think we are anything but wonderful?

I used to have this perspective about myself—until God gave me a revelation of my true nature. A few years ago, I could have enumerated several adjectives that I thought described me: loving, hardworking, honest, trustworthy. Now I know without a doubt that “in my flesh dwell[s] no good thing” (Rom. 7:18, KJV).

Like many believers, I was deceived. I thought my own efforts to live the Scriptures were keeping me straight. I didn’t realize that without God’s grace, I would be numbered among the worst of sinners.

One day at a birthday celebration I requested prayer, asking my friends to agree with me for a deeper revelation of God’s love. Much to my surprise, one of my friends prayed, “God, give her revelation of her sinfulness.”

That was not what I had been hoping for. I was asking God for a supernatural embrace—you know, one of those, “Jesus appeared in my room last night” types of experiences. I couldn’t see how acknowledging my own sinfulness fit in with that picture. Besides, I didn’t think I was that sinful!

A week later, I went to a friend’s house to use some of her reference books for research. While there, I did something—more out of idle curiosity than for any other reason—that constituted a serious invasion of her privacy. At first I wasn’t conscious of the magnitude of my trespass, but within moments the Holy Spirit overpowered me with conviction.

Never before or since have I had such an experience! My entire body from head to foot was consumed with holy fire, an intense inner heat almost impossible to bear. I was literally burning with shame.


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