Our Daily Bread 19 October 2017 Devotional – We’ve Got the Power!

Our Daily Bread 19 October 2017 Devotional – We’ve Got the Power!

Topic: We’ve Got the Power! — Thursday October 19, 2017.

Read: Romans 7:14–25, Bible in a Year: Isaiah 56–58; 2 Thessalonians 2

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:25

The loud crackling noise startled me. Recognizing the sound, I raced to the kitchen. I’d accidently tapped the start button on the empty coffee maker. Unplugging the appliance, I grabbed the handle of the carafe. Then I touched the bottom of the container to ensure it wasn’t too hot to place on the tile counter. The smooth surface burned my fingertips, blistering my tender skin.

As my husband nursed my wound, I shook my head. I knew the glass would be hot. “I honestly do not know why I touched it,” I said.

My response after making such a mistake reminded me of Paul’s reaction to a more serious issue in Scripture—the nature of sin.

The apostle admits to not knowing why he does things he knows he shouldn’t do and doesn’t want to do (Rom. 7:15). Affirming that Scripture determines right and wrong (v. 7), he acknowledges the real, complex war constantly waging between the flesh and the spirit in the struggle against sin (vv. 15–23). Confessing his own weaknesses, he offers hope for victory now and forever (vv. 24–25).

When we surrender our lives to Christ, He gives us His Holy Spirit who empowers us to choose to do right (8:8–10). As He enables us to obey God’s Word, we can avoid the searing sin that separates us from the abundant life God promises those who love Him.

Prayer: Lord, thanks for breaking the chains that used to bind us to a life controlled by our sinful nature.

The Holy Spirit transforms us through His love and by His grace.


In Romans 7 the apostle Paul laments that sinful tendencies within us sometimes win out over righteous impulses. In what ways can we yield to the Holy Spirit’s power to experience more righteous living?

This message was written By Xochitl Dixon [Our Daily Bread Ministries.]