Is This The Beginning of a Spiritual Revolution? .



Judge Roy Moore (James Lawler Duggan/Reuters )

For too long we’ve had politicians who claim the name of Christ but their actions don’t match the claim.

Politicians who cower when asked to defend God’s design for marriage between one man and one woman. Who can’t articulate why prayer should be in public school. Lawmakers who fail to impeach judges who rule contrary to the Constitution.

Our country has been hijacked by a bunch of godless men and women who have little understanding about our country’s founding and heritage. Traditionally the media, lobbyists and politicians from both parties have colluded to deceive the American people by claiming to fight for our values while actually working to undermine them.

Not anymore. The American people are waking up and beginning to understand this.

Last week I attended the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. Judge Roy Moore spoke at a luncheon hosted by AFA Action, the governmental affairs affiliate of the American Family Association. I had the privilege of speaking with the judge before our lunch began. It was my first time meeting Roy Moore and I was impressed.

As we were conversing, I thought to myself, this is exactly who we need serving in public office. Humble, kind and knowledgeable are all words that describe the judge. His recitation of Scripture was unlike anything I’ve seen before. A modern-day prophet, bold in his proclamation of God’s word. This is the kind of man that Christians across America should desire to represent us in Washington.

It was refreshing to hear a man of such stature unashamedly proclaim that marriage is between one man and one woman, that prayer belongs in our public schools, and that judges which undermine the constitution should be impeached. This is what our Founding Fathers believed. These are principles that our Constitution protect and promote.


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