Virginia: Pro-life and Pro-Abortion Gov. Candidates in Close Race



Virginia: Pro-life and Pro-Abortion Gov. Candidates in Close Race

The state of Virginia is in the midst of a close gubernatorial race. The two main candidates are Republican Ed Gillespie and Democrat Ralph Northam.

According to, the contest is a very close one, with Gillespie currently up by only one percentage point, as reported by a Monmouth University poll. The eyes of the nation will be on Virginia during this race since it is the only state holding a gubernatorial election this year.

Additionally, much is at stake in this gubernatorial race as the two main contenders each hold very different political views, particularly on the issue of life.

Dave Andrusko of LifeNews reports that Northam is making his pro-abortion stance a main point of his campaign. Gillespie, on the other hand, opposes abortion.

The National Right to Life organization has even endorsed Gillespie:

“National Right to Life has endorsed Republican Ed Gillespie, a 100% pro-life candidate who will sign pro-life laws and support live-saving policies in Virginia to succeed pro-abortion Gov. Terry McAuliffe,” wrote NRL Political Director Karen Cross.

On the other hand, wrote Cross, “The Virginia affiliate of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, has endorsed Northam. They have pledged to spend $3 million in the race supporting Northam, whose record as a member of the state Assembly was solidly pro-abortion.”

“Northam’s position is so extreme that he supports abortion on demand – that is, abortion for any reason anytime during the pregnancy,” she continued. “This means he supports deliberately taking the life of an unborn baby’s life for any reason at all – even late in pregnancy when the baby can feel excruciating pain during abortion.”

This issue, as well as a host of others, is sure to make this gubernatorial election a memorable one. Remember to get out to the polls on Nov. 7, 2017 and vote.


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Publication date: October 19,2017


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