Our Daily Manna October 23, 2017: ODM devotional – Samarkadaland: Sweet Uses Of Adversity


Topic — Samarkadaland: Sweet Uses Of Adversity……….. [Monday, October 23, 2017]

Basic Scripture: Romans 8:24-39

William Shakespeare wrote in his popular novel, “As you like it” that “Sweet are the uses of adversity which like the toad, ugly and venomous, wear yet a precious jewel in its head. And  this is our life, exempt from public haunt, find tongues I  trees, books in running brooks, sermons in stones and good in everything. I would not change it.”

I remember vividly those years ago, a terrible thing happened at the launching or the public presentation of Wole Soyinka’s new book, a collection of latest poems titled “SAMAKALAND And Other Markets I Have Known.” The National Electricity Board struck just as the proceedings of the day began. The venue, which was the Banquet Hall of the National Theatre, was thrown into constant darkness, with no working generator. The occasion had to be removed under a high tree inside the theatre.

There, under the direct supervision of the elements of the nature, the gentle breeze and green lawn grass, the ceremony ended as a huge success. Of note was that the tree under which the ceremony was finished, was named “SAMARKALAND”, by the General Manager of the National Art Theatre, the then Professor Osifisan who was present and that name has since been pasted on the tree as a tourist attraction for generations.

Though is just a common tree, truly, sweet indeed are the uses of adversity. The Bible calls you a tree of righteousness – (Isaiah 61:3). What are you going through right now? God will turn it for your good – (Roman 8:28), because man’s adversity is always God’s opportunity! If you trust God, like this tree named “SAMARKALAND” after the international work of the a NOBLE PRIZE WINNER, your life and ministry will be a tourist attraction because in life, a bent in the road is not the end of the road … unless you fail to make the turn.

And we have no right to ask when sorrow comes, “Why did this happen to me?” unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way. I once heard Walt Disney say: “You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” Yes indeed, sweet are the uses of adversity! Hold on! Trust God! You will NEVER end up in shame!

Prayer Points: Take your best worship song to God.

1. Lord, turn every plan to turn my trials into shame!

2. Lord, turn every disappointment this year so far, to divine appointment. Declare many times: “I am a tree. By the grace of God, my leaves shall not wither and my roots shall not dry up in Jesus name! Pray about today!

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.