Our Daily Manna November 1, 2017: ODM devotional – Managing Success -1

Our Daily Manna November 1, 2017: ODM devotional – Managing Success -1

Breakthrough is sweet, but can be bitter also, if not properly managed! Ask God for the grace to control your ‘Isaac’ (your success). Resist the praise of men/pride! Resist women! Resist men!

Topic: Managing Success -1 [Wednesday, November 1, 2017]

Basic Scriptures: Isaiah 14:5-19

Madam Henrietta Green of the United State of America live a life of surprises. She lived and died as a pauper (wretched person), but left behind an estate of over 95 million US Dollars, when she died in 1916. She ate cold oatmeal because she would not spend the money to cook it. She was successful and rich, but could not manage success. There are celebrities in Africa and the world today who are hooked to drugs and alcohol to be able to survive.

Years ago, in the USA also, ENRON, the so-called, “electrical giant,” collapsed suddenly. Attempt at evading huge taxes led to their downfall. They could not manage success! Breakthrough is sweet, but can be bitter also, if not properly managed! Success nearly destroyed King Nebuchadnezzar’s destiny due to pride! Success destroyed Judas due to the love of money. Many praise and worship leaders in many churches can’t flow again because of pride! Success also, has brought great ministers of God to the valley of life because they could not manage the way men adore them as men/women of God. This is why a wise minister will DE-EMPHASIS HIMSELF/HERSELF before he/she ministers!

It is difficult and lonely to stay at the top, but by the grace of God, you will get there and shine! Many believers have stopped serving God or working in their local churches or stopped fasting/prayers because a breakthrough came. Did Abraham not control ISAAC – his breakthrough /testimony? In Gen 22: 7-8, when Isaac asked him “………….Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” , he controlled him and told him, “God will provide Himself a lamb……”

Yet Abraham knew that, THAT LAMB COULD BE ISAAC! Wow! Ask God for the grace to control your ‘Isaac’ (your success). Satan envies you because he could not manage success – Isaiah 14:12-13 (today’s scripture). Resist the praise of men/pride! Resist women! Resist men! Resist lust! Resist prayerlessness/pleasure! Resist excessive sleep/food! Resist lowering the standard of the Word of God and your success will surprise the sky.

Receive this Prayer: Breakthrough will not break you! Amen! Watch and pray! CANCEL DISGRACE THIS NEW MONTH!

GET AND GIVE OUT THIS ODM Booklet as a SPECIAL GIFT item for weddings, anniversaries, dedications, birthdays etc to bless a soul! NEVER MISS AN EDITION! When Life ZIGZAGS, ODM creates SANITY!

Prayer Points: Take your best song of worship to God.

1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led.

2. Ask God for the grace never to fall into evil from success. Pray that breakthroughs will not break your destiny.

3. Whether the devil likes it or not, I must succeed and possess my possessions. I must remain at the top! PRAY ABOUT THIS NEW MONTH, LOOSE GREAT GRACE!

4. As 2017 ends and beyond, O Lord, by your grace, no level of success/breakthrough will be an obstacle to my life’s journey. Surrender your success and your ‘Isaac’ to Him Now.

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.