Joyce Meyer’s Daily 3 November 2017 Devotional: Abiding in the Word

Joyce Meyer's Daily 3 November 2017 Devotional: Abiding in the Word

Topic: Abiding in the Word [Friday November 3, 2017]

If you live in Me [abide vitally united to Me] and My words remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. — John 15:7

Most Christians know the importance of reading the Bible, but many do not understand the importance of abiding in the Word and allowing the Word to abide in them.

When we are diligent to study the Word and hold it in our hearts, we have instant access to Scripture whenever we need it. And Jesus promised that we can ask for whatever we need in prayer and receive it.

Abiding in the Word and allowing the Word to abide in us makes us true disciples of Jesus (see John 8:31). It gives us more power in our prayer lives, and having power in prayer gives us power over the enemy.

Are you abiding in God’s Word…and allowing it to abide in you? If the answer is no, I encourage you to take action. Make reading and studying the Word a priority. Start memorizing scriptures and tucking them away in your heart. Then, when you face the battles of life, you will be fully armed and prepared to win the war.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I want to be a true disciple and walk in the power that comes from abiding in Your Word. Lead me as I diligently study scripture and keep Your truth down in my heart.

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries