RCCG Sunday School Students Manual Lesson Ten (10) — The Holy Spirit In Action

RCCG Sunday School Students Manual Lesson Ten (10) — The Holy Spirit In Action

Topic: The Holy Spirit In Action [Sunday, 5th November 2017]

Memory Verse: “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”Acts 1:8

Bible Passage: Acts 1:1-19


Having studied the personality of the Holy Spirit and His attributes, we need to look at the significance and the ministry of the Holy Spirit in order to see Him in action.

Lesson Outlines:

1. The significance of the Holy Spirit

2. The ministry of the Holy Spirit

The Significance Of The Holy Spirit:

The Holy Spirit is God’s seed of power in a believer, planted at his baptism (of the Holy Spirit) and growing to bring forth the fruits of power (Acts 1:8). This power supernaturally makes the believer to become a true witness of the word e.g. the initially timid, easily shaken like a reed PETER turns out to be an active, powerful, immovable Rock and witness of the word (Acts 2:1-47; 4:10-20).

He is also the Consuming Fire of God, which distinguishes the true believer (Matthew 3:11-12). He is the divine Wind of God’s Church and the enabling Grace behind a fruitful and rewarding Christianity (Ezekiel 37:1-10, 1Corinthians 2:4, Luke 4:14-18).

The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit:

The ministry of the Holy Spirit, amongst many, includes the following:

1. He quickens our mortal bodies (Romans 8:11), which makes it illegal for any sickness or disease to dwell there, but instead turns it to partakers of God’s divine nature (Matthew 3:12, 2Peter 1:4).

2. He guides into all truth (John 16:12-13) by enlightening the understanding of the believers on all issues of life. He is, therefore, our only insurance against the deadly and enslaving grip of ignorance. By this divine guidance, we will always have solutions to every problem that may confront us.

3. He reveals things to come (Acts 21:4, 10-12).

4. He reminds of things taught (John 14:26) especially in the times of need e.g. the Lord Jesus in His encounter with the tempter.

5. He reproves the world of sin. The sinner gets conviction not by gimmicks but by the Holy spirit (Zechariah 4:6).

6. He reproves the world of righteousness by making them to live righteous in the midst of a perverse generation.

7. He reproves the world of judgment (John 16:11).

8. He testifies of the truth, which makes it easier, therefore, for a true believer to decree a thing, and it is established unto him (John 15:26; Job 22:28).

9. He intercedes for the saints (Romans 8:26-27).

10. He gives spiritual gifts unto hungry men and women who earnestly covet them (1Corinthians 12:4, 11).


The Holy Spirit is unique in significance and His ministry is comprehensive. It is dangerous for any true believer to run the pilgrims journey without Him. Put His house in order, that is your body, which is His Temple so that He can dwell there. Pray accordingly in Jesus’ name.


1. How significant is the Comforter?

2. Discuss the comprehensive ministry of the Comforter.