David Abioye’s Daily 5 November 2017 Devotional – The Power Of Promptness

David Abioye's Daily 5 November 2017 Devotional - The Power Of Promptness

Topic: The Power of Promptness [Sunday November 5, 2017]

…what thou does, do quickly…

Matters become stale and issues die whenever there is inaction.

Be neither slow nor in hurry but be prompt! Psalm.32:7, 8.

Right action at the right time at the right place is the secret of excellence.

Fight unholy and unprofitable hesitation.  It is another practice of procrastination. It is procrastination in disguise;

– There are things to fight – 1Timothy.6:10

– There are things to say and do

– There are programs to run.

The beauty of everything is in its timing. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Strike when the iron is hot. If you don’t want to miss your impact

Do not wait for convenience; you may waste in the process.

The only way to develop and improve your promptness is to practice it – what you practice you perfect. I see every form of procrastination and hesitation destroyed from my life and destiny.

Be instant!  Be in time!

If you hesitate, you may find no open gate later. Songs of Solomon.5:6