Study finds expensive weddings risk Divorce

(Photo : Premier Radio News )

Premier Radio News reports – Couples who spend more on their weddings and engagement rings are more likely to see their nuptials end in divorce.

US researchers surveyed 3,000 American adults who had once been married for more than 13 years and found that men who spent between $2,000 and $4,000 (£1,244 and £2,488) on an engagement ring were 1.3 times more likely to get divorced than those who spent between $500 (£311) and $2,000 (£1,244).

However, the study also found that spending less than $500 on the ring also correlated with higher divorce rates.

The same also goes for wedding costs. Spending more than $20,000 (£12,444) on a wedding was linked to significantly higher divorce rates than those who spent between $5,000 and $10,000 (£3,111 and £6,222).

One listener on Premier’s Woman to Woman programme thinks people seem to be missing the point. She said: “If you’re in a financial position where you can spend that little bit more money or what’s comfortable for you, then that’s fine; but like I said, to just stress yourself out and worry about this and worry about that, I think we’ve lost sight of what marriage truly means.”

The study also found that habits such as regularly attending religious services, having a baby, having a larger wedding (with more guests) and splurging on a honeymoon trip are all linked to a lower risk of divorce.   … Read More

Source and Original Content by : Premier Radio News