Our Daily Bread 12 November 2017 Devotional – What’s the Best Gift?

Our Daily Bread 12 November 2017 Devotional – What’s the Best Gift?

Topic: What’s the Best Gift? — Sunday November 12, 2017.

Read: 2 Chronicles 2:1–10, Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 51–52; Hebrews 9

The temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all other gods. 2 Chronicles 2:5

My husband recently celebrated a milestone birthday, the kind that ends in a zero. I thought hard about the best way to honor him on this important occasion. I discussed my many ideas with our children to help me home in on the best one. I wanted our celebration to reflect the significance of a new decade and how precious he is to our family. I wanted our gift to be in keeping with the importance of this milestone in his life.

King Solomon wanted to give to God a much greater gift than a “big birthday” would merit. He wished for the temple he built to be worthy of God’s presence in it. To secure raw materials, he messaged the king of Tyre. In his letter, he remarked that the temple would be great “because our God is greater than all other gods” (2 Chron. 2:5). He acknowledged that God’s vastness and goodness far exceeded what could ever be built with human hands, yet set about the task anyway out of love and worship.

Our God is indeed greater than all other gods. He has done wondrous things in our lives, prompting our hearts to bring Him a loving and precious offering, regardless of its external value. Solomon knew his gift wouldn’t match God’s worth, yet joyfully set his offering before Him; we can too.

Prayer: Lord, You are indeed a great God, matchless in worth. May my offerings be pleasing in Your sight.

The most treasured gift we can give to God is our love.

This message was written By Kirsten Holmberg [Our Daily Bread Ministries.]