Petition Demands City Ceases Intimidation Of Pastors


Faith Driven Consumer, the group that launched the #IStandWithPhil campaign that advocated for Phil Robertson’s return to Duck Dynasty, is pushing out another major petition campaign #HoustonWeHaveAProblem demanding that the city of Houston immediately “cease and desist all bullying and other offensive actions” against a group of pastors who are victims of an aggressive harassment effort at the hands of the city government.

The city is demanding that a group of pastors turn over any sermons—including personal correspondence such as emails—”dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city’s first openly lesbian mayor.”

“Pastors are a critical part of the very fabric of American society. They have been iconic champions of major moral issues such as American Independence, abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, child labor laws, and civil rights. Now, a group of pastors who have continued this tradition are being bullied by the strong-arm tactics of the government of America’s fourth-largest city—simply for preaching out of the same book that Houston’s officials took their oath of office on,” said Chris Stone, Founder of Faith Driven Consumer.

“Today, we are launching the#HoustonWeHaveAProblem petition drive at because we know that untold millions of Americans are or will be outraged by this. We are asking people of conscience to sign up, stand with pastors everywhere and show the city of Houston that we will not tolerate intolerance… Read More

Source and Original Content by Charisma News