Christians Persecuted Even After Death In Pakistan


ISLAMABAD (Worthy News)– Religious minorities in Pakistan face discrimination even after death as Christian cemeteries outside of Islamabad are allowed to fall into disrepair while Muslim plots nearby remain in excellent condition, according to The Express Tribune.

Although cemeteries were established by the Capital Development Authority to service Pakistan’s Christian community, it has failed to maintain them to the high same standards as Muslim graveyards nearby. For example, Christian cemeteries often lack walls, thereby permitting animals and vandals to damage the graves.

The pastor of Fatima Church, Reverend Father Yousaf Amanat, questioned why the CDA seemed so unconcerned about the poor condition of his congregation’s plots.

“Why has the authority ignored our graveyards despite us being equal citizens of the country?”

And Pastor Ashraf Bhatti said that his graveyards are as sacred as those belonging to Muslims and that both are the responsibility of the CDA.

The CDA director, Abdul Razak, blamed the poor condition of Christian plots on the recent rains, but said his staff would soon start cleaning Christian grave sites.

Source and Original Content WorthyNews