Asia Bibi: Chances That Death Sentence May Be Lifted


sia Bibi could still walk free, despite her death sentence being upheld by the Pakistani courts, campaigners say.

However, even if the charges are dismissed, there is a danger that she may be made a target for Muslim extremists and be assassinated.

According to a Pakistan Analyst at Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), it is “highly unlikely” that Bibi’s death sentence, which was appealed and upheld yesterday, will be carried out.

“She is the first Christian woman to ever be handed the death sentence, and Pakistan haven’t carried out any executions in six years,” the source, who could not be named for security reasons, told Christian Today.

“No one has ever been upheld on a blasphemy charge in the Supreme Court.”

Found guilty of blasphemy in November 2010, Bibi has been on death row for almost four years. Yesterday’s appeal was delayed five times this year.

Her lawyers will now take her case to the upper echelons of the Pakistani legal system. The Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS) has been supporting Bibi throughout her trial, and will submit a final appeal to the Supreme Court.

CSW’s representative said that yesterday’s verdict was “inevitable because of the way the court system is run”. Extremist groups were present in the court room, which is a common occurrence in the lower courts as a way of intimidating the judge.

However, this is not possible in the Supreme Court, where security is much higher. There are high hopes that her final appeal will be successful.

“If there is any hope of Asia getting justice it’s through the Supreme Court, so we’re happy the case has moved on, though we are still concerned for her safety,” he added.

“The current chief justice is a very moderate man, very cultured, and the Supreme Court holds a key role in Pakistani society. It is one of the three main power brokers in Pakistan, along with the military and civilian government. If the Supreme Court says Asia Bibi’s case is important, then the rest of Pakistan will follow.”

While Bibi may walk free from her death sentence, there remain concerns that she will be a target for Muslim extremists… Read More

Source and Original Content by Christian Today