Joyce Meyer’s Daily 25 November 2017 Devotional: God Knows We Can’t Be Perfect

Joyce Meyer's Daily 25 November 2017 Devotional: God Knows We Can't Be Perfect

Topic: God Knows We Can’t Be Perfect [Saturday November 25, 2017]

In Whom, because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) of free access (an unreserved approach to God with freedom and without fear). — Ephesians 3:12

There are many people who are so afraid of making a mistake they don’t do anything. Instead, they sit around saying, “What if I’m wrong? What if I miss God?”

Do you know what God told me one time? He said, “If you miss Me, I’ll find you.”

If we are wandering off somewhere and not sure where we are, we can just lift up our hands and say, “Jesus, come and get me! I’m confused. I think I made a wrong decision.”

God knows we cannot be perfect, so He sent His Son as a perfect sacrifice for us. Now we’re pressing toward the mark of perfection. In Philippians 3, the apostle Paul talks about pressing forward to what lies ahead and forgetting about the past.

God is calling you to press forward today. Stop living in fear of making mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes, period. God is not asking you to not make mistakes. He’s calling you to press forward, trusting Him to lead you. He’s asking you to call upon Him. Don’t live in fear of your imperfection. Live with faith in God’s perfect plan for you.

Prayer Starter: God, I don’t want to live paralyzed by fear of my imperfection and my mistakes. Help me to keep my focus on You. I know that when I call out to You, You will help me press forward to the mark of perfection.

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries