Our Daily Manna November 29th, 2017: ODM devotional – Don’t Miss The Lesson!

Our Daily Manna November 29th, 2017: ODM devotional – Don’t Miss The Lesson!

Topic: Don’t Miss The Lesson! [Wednesday, November 29, 2017]

Basic Scriptures: Judges 14:5-18

Jim Rohn, the great American philosopher who died in 2009, once said, “It’s too bad, failure don’t give seminars. Wouldn’t that be valuable? If you meet a guy that has messed up his life for forty years, you’ve just met a guy who could change your life for the better. Sit down with him and take notes!” Amazing!

Welcome to today’s prophetic devotional encounter. Note that bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss. No matter what you are going through or will go through, learn from every event in your life. Is it not always said, that sweet are the uses of adversity? Yes, there is indeed honey in every lion you battle along your pathway of progress. NOBODY IS EXEMPTED FROM BATTLES!

I was in great shock when blackmailers invaded my life a while ago! They for my house documents which they were to use for a bank loan! They also demanded for 50,000 dollars cash. They said I was popular and ODM was worldwide and thought they could scoop on that! But my fight back and subsequent police action including a secret record of their demands on tape and their been charged to court, led to their unbelievable attack on my person via social media. Unbelievable lies/fabrications were unleashed on my person! That was a strong battle season of my life which later turned to a NEW, TREMEDOUS ANOINTING PHASE and OPEN DOORS for this vision! Wow! Oh, like the life of Samson, there are times your battle becomes a riddle to interpret. Never mind, a solution is coming!

The difficulties, hardship and trials are encounters on the road to fortune! They knit your spiritual muscles more firmly and teach you reliance on the mighty God. Just by wrestling with an athlete who is superior to us, we can increase our own strength and learn his secrets. Life has many secrets that you will yet discover! So, stop lamenting and stop pitying yourself! Adversity is a breeding ground for miracles! Yesterday’s failures are tomorrow’s fortune! Oh! Can’t you see your glorious tomorrow? As I write this piece now, I have a strong witness that someone using this devotional is about to celebrate!

Refuse to poison your expensive future with the agony of the past! Trials, pain and failure teach men lessons, which they would never learn without them. Don’t miss the lesson in any allowed battle!

Give out the 2018 Our Daily Manna as Christians and New Year gift item. Get your copy from your nearest bookshop or always get in touch with odmdaily now! I prophesy a special testimony as you do so be expectant! YOUR SPECIAL DECORATION IS COMING – 2018!

Prayer Points: Take any song of worship as led.

1. Lord, though this life is like a large farm and we know not what tools to use, though we hope with little faith, give me the heart to fight!

2. Pray any other prayer point as you are led for yourself.

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.