A personal request from Jim Denison


God promises that his word “shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11). His Spirit uses his word to save souls and change lives.

As we face unprecedented attacks on biblical morality, people more than ever need biblical truth on the issues that matter. That’s why Denison Forum exists–to take God’s word to today’s culture with news discerned differently.

Our good news

The Lord has been so gracious to build and use this ministry. Recent notes from some of our readers have been very affirming:

• Gajanan wrote, “Every day I read your article. It is very helpful for me to grow in Christ. My wife and I work with orphan kids in India. Sometimes we get discouraged but many times your articles encourage us to serve the Lord continuously.”

• Diane added, “Your daily accounts always bring clarity and biblical perspective for the current events facing us.”

• Eli wrote, “I am truly motivated to live my life for Christ by your examples of real life situations you tell your readers about every day.”

• Tom said, “I often forward your messages to my children and we all grow in our faith. We are also better equipped to help others as a result of your work.”

• And Colleen added, “I am thankful for a Christian perspective on the current world events that are taking place. We must be aware, informed, and confident that our God is in control.”

It is a great honor to share biblical truth with each of our readers. By God’s grace, we are reaching more people than ever before with his word:

• My Daily Article now reaches 119,000 subscribers in 234 countries and territories around the world.

• Between subscribers and those to whom they forward our emails, the Daily Article has been read more than 11.5 million times this year.

• In March, we launched Cultural Preaching, a weekly cultural engagement resource for pastors. More…

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