Our Daily Manna December 25, 2017: ODM devotional: It Will Surely Come!


Topic: It Will Surely Come! [Monday, December 25, 2017]

Some years ago, a man and his wife were found dead after leaping to their death together as their New Year resolution and agreement in Hong Kong. They leaped from a four-story building in Hon Kong’s Tin Shui Wai district on New Year’s Day. In most cases in Hong Kong, couples that want to die together do so by burning charcoals in a sealed room, but this couple decided to die by leaping. The sad part of this story is not just that they died, but they decided to die on New Year’s Day!

Also, a study years ago by a Sociology Professor named David Philips, concluded this shocker: “There are more emergency department death on Christmas, the day after Christmas, and New Year’s Day than in any other day of the year.” Wow! A New Year is expected to be a time of new goals, re dedication or new beginnings, but for this couple, things were so bad that they felt that it was impossible for a solution to come. Sadly, many people are going rough times worldwide right now and even the rich also cry. The rate of suicide is increasing all over the developed and developing world. Endtime frustration is growing and it is happening in every continent. However, the Holy Ghost is sending me to you that no matter how 2017 has been, don’t believe that you problem is the worst and never believe that all hope is lost.

He told me that 2018 is your year of SPECIAL DECORATION! What will bring out your COAT OF MANY COLOURS is being planned and is about to hit you! That is why you must keep hope alive. That is God’s Word emphasis to you today: Keep hope alive. This year is ending but His plan for you have not ended at all! In fact, you are about to enter into a NEW PHASE! You would not have seen the end of this year and another Christmas day, if God has finished with you! That you are alive to see another Christmas and end of year shows that your best days are still ahead and the devil is in big trouble! Oh! There is a solution coming! our daily manna prayer points

THERE IS A SOLUTION COMING! There will beauty for ashes and there will be dancing for mourning! No situation is hopeless and nothing in the world can take the place of patience. Habakkuk 2:3 declares; “though it tarries, wait for it, because it will surely come.” Believe God and note the word, “SURELY.” For anything worth having, we must pay the price and the price is always work, patience, love and self-sacrifices. A surprise package with your name on it has just been sent from heaven! Merry Christmas to you and family! Wait! Hold on!

Prayer Points: Take song: Because He Lives …

1. I refuse to worry or be anxious concerning this problem (mention any issue of great concern to you now). Begin to thank God for your GREAT AND COLOURFUL FUTURE!

2. I totally reject the power of death and discouragement.

3. As 2017 ends, I shall not hide under drugs, alcohol or depression. Lord, help me! Pray about today and the New Year.

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.