Our Daily Manna January 5, 2018: ODM devotional: Take A Risk This Year

Our Daily Manna January 5, 2018: ODM devotional: Take A Risk This Year

Topic: Take A Risk This Year [Friday, January 5, 2018]

Basic Scripture 2 Kings 7:1-20; James 2:17

‘’life is a risk’’ says the philosopher .most people whose lives have affected nation and communities have been great risk takers. There is a popular saying that, “No venture no success’’. Both the fearful and the brave will die but once!

The risk taken by the seven lepers in the today 1st scripture changed their destinies, Place in human history and the destiny of a nation. The historical and literary character, Julius Caesar once said, “COWARDS DIE MANY TIMES BEFORE THEIR DEATH’’ In the new year 2018, make up your mind to take those Business, Marital, Spiritual risk and decision you have been postponing due to fear of failure or criticism. I remember that the great south African Human Right Activist Desmond Tutu, once made a profound statement .He said “FAITH IS A PROFOUND RISK BUT IT IS A RISK I WILL NOT LIVING WITHOUT’’.

In your daily walk on this planet this year, have faith in God and in his word and take bold or bolder decisions. Noah took a risk by building the ark! It took him, 120 years to build and ark that was used for 40 days. Abraham took a risk by relocating his entire family at an old age. Job took a risk for nine months by trusting God despite his strange, satanic attacks. Note that you will never stop taking risk as you go through life because: SUCCESS IS IN VARIOUS LEVELS! There are HIGHER LEVELS of testimonies, success and decoration awaiting you as you BEGIN AND CONCLUDED THE WORLDWIDE 21-DAY FASTING which begin tomorrow!

Get your “WAR AGAINST HUMAN 13”booklet which contains the prayer point of the 21 days FAST! To PRAY and RISK which will RE WRIT YOUR LIFE STORY FOR GOOD! In fact, the higher you go, the greater the risks you will take for greater levels of success. RESIST DISCOURAGEMENT BECAUSE THE GREATEST RISK IN LIFE IS TO RISK NOTHING! Hear Eleanor Roosevelt” Do one thing every day that scare you” wow! That is faith! Act first! I am captivated by John Rohn: ‘’IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO RISK THE UNUSUAL, you will have to settle for the ordinary’’ May you not die as ORDINARY!

Failure and fear are twins! Avoid and conquer them this year! Take a bold step! Fast again sow again! Be at the world anointing night again! No venture, no success!

STILL GIVE OUT A COPY OF OUR DAILY MANNA, CHILDREN ODM AND ‘’WAR AGAINST HAMAN-13‘’ BOOKLETS. Help someone join the upcoming 21 day fasting program which begins from tomorrow till Friday 26th January!

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.