Angie Martinez Criticized Over Retweet Of Joel Osteen’s Tweet

Photo: BCNN1

Everybody needs encouragement and inspiration. But when a popular mainstream NY radio host re-tweeted Houston mega pastor Joel Osteen, a Christian tweeter had some not-so-nice things to say.

Instead of celebrating that Power 105.1 FM jock Angie Martinez was seeking a spiritual lift from a preacher, criticisms were thrown out.

Ironically, the quote from Osteen that touched off the minor Twitter beef said, “Don’t fight against everything you don’t like. That’s an opportunity to come up higher.”

A Twitter user named ERB, whose profile reads, “Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible is the Son of God. My name is written in the Lambs Book of Life, Amen,” shot off this response:

“@JoelOsteen whoa when u get RTs by hiphop celebs u know u lukewarm in ur spirituality.”

For the social media-challenged, an “RT” stands for a re-tweet, which means, if someone likes something you say on your Twitter page, they can share it on theirs.

And let’s just say, Osteen, with is nearly 3 million followers, gets plenty RTs.

Martinez, who is highly respected within the Hip Hop community, hit back with, “so ur a judgmental man of God. got it,” adding two emoticons on the end of the rebuttal—an image of a heart and one of praying hands.

Despite being briefly chided by Martinez, ERB didn’t let that stop him from railing against Osteen who often comes under fire for what some call his “Theology Lite” approach to the gospel…Read More

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