UN Advised To Step In To Prevent Genocide of Christians

Photo: Catholic Herald

Pointing to “the grave violations and abuses” committed by ISIS militants in the Middle East, Archbishop Auza, the Vatican’s nuncio to the United Nations (UN), called on the necessary UN agencies to take action “to prevent possible new genocides and to assist the increasing number of refugees”.

The archbishop, who heads the Holy See’s Permanent Observer Mission to the UN, said the Vatican “appeals in particular for the protection of the ethnic and religious groups, including the Christian communities, who are specifically targeted and victimised because of their ethnic origins and religious beliefs.”

The right of such communities and all displaced people to return to their homes and to live in dignity and safety must be respected, he added.

Archbishop Auza, who made his comments in a statement to the UN Security Council during an open debate on the situation in the Middle East, said the escalation of terrorism around the globe should be a catalyst for all nations to realise they have a responsibility “to protect people from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity and all forms of unjust aggression.”

He said that every religious leader in the entire Middle East region and around the world must promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue, denounce “every use of religion to justify violence” and educate people about the need for mutual respect. The Middle East needs constant prayers but, more than that, the region “requires … an adequate response by the international community…Read More

Source and Original Content by Christian Herald