US Church Backs Gun Control Law


Episcopalians in the US state of Michigan have passed a controversial resolution at their annual convention, calling for stiffer gun control laws.

At their 180th convention last week in Lansing, they voted to approve a resolution calling for universal background checks on all gun purchases, a ban on all sales of semi-automatic weapons, high-impact ammunition and high-capacity ammunition magazines, and making gun trafficking a federal crime.

The move has no direct impact on state policy, but it indicates the direction of travel among Episcopalians and other mainline denominations, which have become increasingly critical of America’s liberal gun laws in the wake of recent shootings.

The resolution states: “We…stand for public policies to ban violence and assault weapons. Access to guns with rapid fire ability and high capacity magazines are a common, deadly ingredient in…repeated killings.”

It says that the “Episcopal Church supports the US Constitution’s protections of the rights of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms,” but adds that “wholesale murder is made possible because those without proper moral guide have easy access to these assault weapons… Read More

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