Red Cross Volunteer Dismissed for Expressing Biblical Views On Same Sex Marriage

Photo: Reuters/Gonzalo Fuentes

A British Red Cross volunteer has been dismissed from the organization after he protested against same-sex marriage earlier this year.

Bryan Barkley, 71, has volunteered with the Red Cross for about 20 years. He works with the international family tracing service and helps locate and reunite families in the UK with relatives in other countries.

But earlier this year, Barkley was part of a protest outside Wakefield Cathedral where he held signs that read, “No Same Sex Marriage.” The protest took place on the day that the first same-sex marriages were allowed in England.

“What have I done wrong? I passionately believe that the institution of marriage is between a man and a woman and is the cornerstone of our society. Why is it wrong to say so in public?

“Freedom of expression is being stifled in this country.

“I have nothing against homosexuals. But I don’t believe Parliament was representing the views of the people when it changed the definition of marriage.”

Barkley is appealing his dismissal with help from the Coalition for Marriage.

Source and Original Content by Christian Headlines