“True Christians Do Whatever It Takes to Save People From Sin” , Pope Francis

Photo: Daniel Ibez/CNA.

rue Christians aren’t afraid of getting their hands dirty and will do whatever it takes to save everyone from sin, Pope Francis has said in a morning homily.

“A true priest, a true Christian, have this zeal inside that no one should be lost. And for this reason they aren’t afraid of getting their hands dirty. They’re not afraid,” he said during his morning Mass today in the Domus Sanctae Marthae where he lives.

According to Vatican Radio, he said: “They go where they must, they risk their life, risk their reputation, risk losing their comforts, their social status, even losing their ecclesiastical career, too. But they are a good pastor, and Christians must be this way, too.”

The Pope’s homily focused on the day’s Gospel reading from St. Luke (15:1-10), in which Jesus explains to the scandalised Pharisees and scribes why he welcomes and eats with sinners.

“It was a real scandal back then” for anyone to associate with such sinners, the Pope said. “Imagine if there had been newspapers back then!” he added, implying there would have been many shocking headlines.

But with his parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, Jesus explains why he came: “To go and search for those who were distanced from the Lord,” Pope Francis said.

“God is not a businessman,” who is making sure any effort brings in high returns; “God is a father and he goes all out, all the way to save” even just one person, the Pope added, “This is God’s love…Read More

Source and Original Content by Catholic Herald