TREM’s Daily 19 February 2018 Devotional by Dr. Mike Okonkwo – Dare To Believe God


Topic Dare To Believe God [TREM’s Daily Monday February 19, 2018]

”Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23 NKJV)

I have come your way today with an assurance from God’s word that you are coming out of every difficult situation, every challenge and every pressure the enemy might have brought your way. Beloved, If God has said ‘all things are possible’, and not some things, He means exactly that and that settles it. You may be at a crossroad right now in your life and people may have said your case is hopeless, but I come to assure you that God’s word cannot be broken. Understand that men have their limitations, but the God you serve is not limited.  He is still a God of possibilities. The last time I checked on Him, He declared that He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you can ask or think. So take the limit off God and believe Him for the impossible.

In the scriptures, we are told that Abraham against hope believed God when there was nothing to believe God for. Put on your imagination! Abraham and his wife were old and stricken in age. And to worsen matters,  Sarah his wife had gone past the age of childbearing. But the word of God was waiting by the shoulder to be made manifest. Despite this human limitation, Abraham switched over into the dimension of possibility and dared to believe God. Child of God, that was the clincher! He believed that it would be as God has spoken and it came to pass. He called and saw himself as the Father of many nations even when he had no child to show for it. The plan of God is that you would function beyond every limitation in life.

As you rise in faith into the dimension of possibility, I declare that God will fill your mouth with good things and show you a token for good. He will arise on your behalf and make a way for you even where there seems to be no way. The earth shall yield her increase for you and the heavens over you shall not be shut.

Further Reading: Romans 4:17-25, Mark 9:19-27

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Leviticus 25; Evening- Mark 1:23-45

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.