Pastor Loses Credentials for Officiating Gay Son’s Wedding

Photo: Christian Today

A 96-year-old pastor in the US has had his ministry credentials terminated after he officiated at the wedding of his gay son and partner.

Chester Wenger, of the anabaptist Mennonite church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania has written a moving “open letter” in The Mennonite online magazine where he makes a powerful plea for his church, among the strictest in its interpretation of the Bible, to rethink its hostility to homosexuals.

Wenger describes how he and his wife “grieved deeply” when their gay young adult son was excommunicated from the Mennonite Church 35 years ago.

Writing of “the brokenness of all sexualities that abuse, lust, access pornography, have sex with unmarried partners of the same or the other gender,” he calls on the church to rise up to reclaim a “godly and wholesome sexuality”.

He adds: “When my wife and I read the Bible with today’s fractured, anxious church in mind, we ask, what is Jesus calling us to do with those sons and daughters who are among the most despised people in the world—in all races and communities?

“What would Jesus do with our sons and daughters who are bullied, homeless, sexually abused, and driven to suicide at far higher rates than our heterosexual children…Read More

Source and Original Content by Christian Today