Mexican Church Supports Families Of Missing Trainee Teachers


The Mexican bishops’ conference has issued a statement of solidarity with the families of 43 missing trainee teachers, who refuse to accept the authorities’ explanations for their disappearance and continue calling for their relatives to be brought back alive.

“Adding our voice to theirs and to all of society, we say, ‘Enough with so much corruption, impunity and violence,’” the bishops said in a statement.

“Respectfully and energetically, we ask the authorities to take the investigation to its final consequences so that it’s known with certainty what has happened with the disappeared and the intellectual authors are punished with the full weight of the law. At the same time, we demand the enforcing of the rule of law to put an end to all forms of violence, illicit activities, corruption, impunity and the complicity of some authorities with organised crime.”

Meanwhile, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera of Mexico City has offered prayers during Mass for the trainee teachers, who authorities allege were captured by corrupt police, killed by organised crime and had their bodies burned..Read More

Source and Original Content by Catholic Herald