Kenneth Copeland Honors the Munroes

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Hello, I’m Kenneth Copeland.

We here at KCM received the word just a little while ago of the homegoing of Dr. Myles Munroe and his lovely wife, Ruth.

Myles and Ruth Munroe, and their ministry, have been long-time friends of Kenneth Copeland Ministries, and with Gloria and me, for well over 35 years.

Dr. Myles Munroe was a strong man of The WORD of God—a strong and gifted leader in the Body of Christ with an anointing to minister to ministers and teach and train leaders to be leaders in Christ Jesus, in the things of God, and in the victory that we have in Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. His lovely wife, Ruth, was equally as strong in the LORD and a powerful minister of the gospel in her own right.

Of course they will be missed. And, of course we miss the strength that God placed in them. Ah, but no, we don’t sorrow and mourn their passing. The Scripture says sorrow not, for we are not a people without hope. We know, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that Myles and Ruth Munroe just stepped into the presence of Jesus, and thanks be unto God He always gives us victory over death. He bought it, He paid for it and it is ours!

Their ministry, Bahamas Faith Ministries International Fellowship, will not diminish. It will not go away. It is strong in The LORD and in the power of His might. It will continue. It will continue to grow. It will continue to preach the gospel. And all of the leaders that this man of God has taught and trained in the Body of Christ, and in businesses and Christian enterprises all over the world, will continue to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ because of the richness of Dr. Myles Munroe’s spirit and his strength and integrity here on this earth.

We’re blessed to have had them among us for these many years. Even more blessed that it won’t be long now. Soon and very soon, Jesus is coming. There’s going to be a great change and we are going to be caught up with Him in the air. And forever, and evermore, we will be with Him.

We take great comfort in these thoughts, and words.

In closing, may I remind you of Hebrews 2:9: “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.” Every born-again believer—Jesus has tasted death for us. The word taste represents the five physical senses. You can’t taste it when you die. You can’t smell it when you die. You can’t hear it when you die. You can’t feel it when you die. Now, what does that mean? You’ll never know it! Myles and Ruth, and all the people in that airplane, they never knew it. No, no. You can’t taste it; you can’t smell it; you can’t see it; you can’t hear it; you can’t feel it! You never know it. It’s just suddenly—you’re in the presence of Jesus!

How wonderful is that? And let us all take heart, and remember—that JESUS IS LORD!

Source and Original Content by KCM