Seeds of Destiny 6 April 2018 by Pastor Paul Enenche: Devaluation – Satan’s Weapon For Attacking Great Destinies


Topic: Devaluation – Satan’s Weapon For Attacking Great Destinies [Seeds of Destiny Friday April 6, 2018]

Scripture: But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. Luke 12:7

Thought For The Day: When you are being devalued, it is a sign that there is greatness in you.

It has been confirmed that our God is the God of value and worth; this is because all His works and creatures, including man, are creatures of value. None of His creatures was designed to be worthless. This is why anything that devalues the works of God cannot be God but satan.

Hence, one weapon of the devil’s attack on greatness is devaluation. I give you few examples:

Joseph had great potentials and dreams of great destiny but his brothers devalued him and sold him as a slave.

David was another man who was devalued; when it was time to anoint a king, no one called him because they thought he was not a personality for the throne; he wasn’t considered a royal material.

What about Jesus Christ the Creator of the universe? Judas Iscariot valued Him at thirty pieces of silver which was the value of a slave. What devaluation!

When I was in Primary 2, I was playing with my classmates one day, then our school teacher looked at me and said ‘Look at that one there; you are nothing’ (paraphrased). She concluded that I would not be anything in life by her assessment. But the good news is, the same old school teacher had come for aid many years later and was assisted.

Beloved, when you are being devalued, it is a sign that there is greatness in you. The truth is, no human being can accurately measure your value; no examination can measure your true potentials. The fact that you failed an examination does not mean you are not intelligent.

My counsel for you is, wipe out your negative devaluation by people from your mind. Renew your mind always with God’s Word and believe what God says about you.

Remember this: When you are being devalued, it is a sign that there is greatness in you.

1. Do not rely on human verdict concerning your life.
2. Reject every negative utterance made against you by people.
3. Renew your mind with God’s Word always.

Prayer: O Lord, I ask for the revelation of the true picture of my life and destiny. Give me the grace to believe Your Word concerning me, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


Daily Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 29:1 to 30:20, Luke 11:37 to 12:7, Psalm 78:1 to 31, Proverbs 12:19 to 20

Amazing Fact: Men get hiccups more often than women.

Today In History: 6/04/1875 – Alexander Graham Bell is granted a patent for the multiple telegraph, which sent two signals at the same time.

Quote: We live in a very wicked world; a world with an escalation of wickedness. Culled from 15 KINGDOM STRATEGIES FOR SURVIVAL by Dr Paul Enenche.

DO NOT FORGET TO ATTEND: The Home Church tomorrow by 6pm. Invite your friends and loved ones.

“If you missed yesterday devotional, please click to read Seeds of Destiny by Pastor Paul Enenche

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities

Flatimes’ Notice Board: Please do not prolong your salvation if you have not repented. Many are going home daily and tomorrow maybe too late…There is still hope, JESUS LOVES YOU!

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