Christians Urged to Pray For Prisoners as Prisons Week Begins

Photo: Premier Christian News

At the start of the annual Prisoners’ Week Christians are being encouraged to think about the needs of those behind bars.

The organisation behind the week is appealing for prayers for everyone in jail, their families and victims.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of Westminster, the Archbishop of Wales and the Moderator of the Free Churches Group all support the event.

Most Revd Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster, said: “I am delighted to support Prisons Week once again and I strongly encourage Christians to think about, pray for, and act for all those affected by prisons during this special week in November.”

Chaplaincy Training Manager for the Prison Service, Revd Alison Tyler, told Premier many Christians would struggle to pray for those who have done wrong.

But she said: “We have the example of our Lord who was always on the side of those who have sinned and fallen short.

“We have his example in terms of forgiveness. Forgiveness basically is available for whoever asks and whenever they ask.”

Lord, you offer freedom to all people.
We pray for those in prison.
Break the bonds of fear and isolation that exist.
Support with your love prisoners and their families and friends,
Prison staff and all who care.
Heal those who have been wounded by the activities
of others, especially the victims of crime.
Help us to forgive one another.
To act justly,
love mercy and walk humbly together with Christ in His strength
and in His Spirit, now and every day. Amen.