Breaking Family and Generational Curses by Pastor Paul Enenche




  1. Knowing the reality of family and generational curses
  2. Understanding what it takes to break them


  1. They are negative patterns or occurrences that are noticeable within particular families or communities
  2. They are negative bloodline transfers, possibly from disastrous parental transactions with the enemy
  3. They are limiting or disempowering forces of ancestral or generational connection (Zech. 1:19-21)


  1. Abraham’s extended family had negative family patterns which God brought him out of. (Gen. 12:1-3)
    i. Starting without finishing
    ii. Dying before time
    iii. Living without relevance
  2. Jacob’s determination and desperation brought him deliverance from the negative patterns of his family house (Gen. 32:24-28)
    i. Barrenness
    ii. First born irrelevance/denial of the blessing
    iii. The struggle for things
  3. The widow of Nain (Luke 7:11-15)
    i. The loss of the male seed


  1. The Blood of Jesus (Gal. 3:13-14; Col. 2:13-15; 1Pet. 1:18-19)
    The reason why what affected your parents, or people in your village is not permitted to affect you is because of the Blood of Jesus
    The Blood of Jesus disconnects you from your natural bloodline and connects you to a new, spiritual
    bloodline; that is what it means to be born again
    You may have inherited some good traits from your parents but without your permission, negative traits were also handed over to you but by the Blood of Jesus, those negative traits are not permitted to happen in your life anymore!
    You cannot be a Christian and be imagining that what happened to your mother or father (negative things) can happen to you
    Anytime you take the communion, you are enforcing your deliverance; that is why the communion
    is called the Cup of the Blessing (1Cor. 10:16)
    All you need to do about the darkness is to turn on the light; similarly, all you need to do to break the curse is to receive the Blessing (1Cor. 10:16)
  2. The revelation of Truth (John 8:32, 36; John 1:1-5; Jer. 31:29-30; 2Cor. 2:14)
    Truth is stronger than fact!
    Truth: By His stripes you are healed (Isa. 53:5)
    Fact: Everyone in your family has hypertension or diabetes
    The truth is stronger than that fact!
    The Word is Truth; sickness is a darkness. Once the Word shines inside the darkness of sickness, the darkness cannot comprehend it and must bow!
    Never over-empower the problem; no demon is stronger than the truth!
    Dream a negative dream 1,000 times, if it is contrary to the Word, it is TRASH!
    The Truth is absolute
    Increase in Light is the decrease of fear
    If you see your fear of things is increasing, then it means that your Light is low
    The knowledge of the Word is our reason for triumph (2Cor. 2:14)
  3. The force of prayer and fasting (Gen. 32:24-28; 1Chron. 4:9-10; Isa. 58:6,8; Matt. 17:21)
    The power of desperate praying broke the curse on the lives of Jacob and Jabez (Gen. 32:24-28; 1Chron. 4:9-10)
  4. The power of the Blessing (Gen. 12:2; 1Chron. 4:9-10)
    Whatever connects you to the Blessing, connects you to deliverance and excuses you from the curse
    Service brings you the Blessing (Ex. 23:25-26); tithes and offerings connect you to the Blessing (Mal. 3:10); Sacrifice connects you to the Blessing and excuses you from the curse; Obedience connects you to the Blessing (Deut. 28:1-2); Righteousness connects you to the Blessing (Ps. 5:12).
  5. The prophetic mantle (Hos. 12:13; Num. 6:23-26)
    God’s prophets are relevant and vital in the deliverance of God’s people from captivity

Father, thank You for the Light of Your Word that we have received today. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


Father, I come before You today, to renew my relationship with Jesus Christ. I come today to rededicate my life to Jesus. And today, I come to reject every ancestral, generational and family curse, every work of diabolism, or witches and wizards; I reject you! Every altar fighting my life, I reject you by the altar of Calvary; every blood sacrifice fighting my destiny I neutralise you by the Blood of Jesus; every decree fighting my life and destiny, I neutralize you by the decree of Jesus on Calvary when He said, ‘It is finished’; today, I reject every spirit of failure, backwardness, limitation, stagnation, delay, I refuse and reject you! You have no place in my life! Your tenure in my life expires today! GO!


  1. The Lord bless you, and keep you, the Lord cause His Face to shine upon you, the Lord be gracious unto you, the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and the Lord give you peace in the Name of Jesus.
  2. I declare that the Lord will cause every ancestral curse, every family curse and every generational curse of your life to be swallowed up in the Blessing in the Name of Jesus.
  3. The Lord will cause your days to be fulfilled. Every force or altar of your father’s house that is after your life and after your existence on the earth, I declare that they are set on fire, in the Name of Jesus!
  4. The Lord cause your destiny to open up; may He cause His purpose for your life on the earth to be fulfilled without any hindrance in the Name of Jesus
  5. The Lord cause every stubborn affliction, every stubborn situation, every stubborn condition and every stubborn operation of your life to perish today in the Name of Jesus.
  6. The Lord cause every distraction of your life – everything that distracts your worship of God and your focus in life, I declare that they be instantly arrested in the Name of Jesus. Receive the grace to serve God without distraction in Jesus’ Name.
  7. The Lord release upon you the Blessing of direction and the Blessing of guidance; the Lord cause you to take the right steps and to make the right moves for your life and destiny in the Name of Jesus. May He cause you to be at the right place at the right time in Jesus’ Name
  8. The Lord visit you with every Blessing that is available in this Commission and upon this altar; every favour, every help, every mercy, and every breakthrough that is available in this Ministry that you heard about, every testimony you have heard on this altar that you desire in your life is released for you in Jesus’ Name.
  9. In the Name of Jesus Christ, February shall favour you. It is well with you. It is well with Nigeria. It is well with your family in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.


This Communion will mark the beginning of a turnaround; by the speakings of the Blood of Jesus, every spell in your life is finally broken! Whatever my Father in Heaven has not planted, today, they are uprooted; may you have an encounter and a testimony to tell!


  • From this international global platform, people shall be raised that will impact the world and influence their generation!
  • Anyone in any sort of field of design, I prophesy, it shall move to the next level!
  • Whatever be your profession, career and field of specialization, I prophesy, from today, it shall move to the next level!
  • Nothing is too lost to be found; it doesn’t matter how long it has been lost, it shall be found!
  • In your life, family, and endeavours, nothing is too lost to be found. Whatever the devil has taken from you, I declare, restoration is here!
  • Whatever has limited your life, family and destiny, today they shall be scattered!
  • Whatever has come to you from your father or mother’s bloodline that is hindering your life and destiny, today by the Blood of Jesus, they shall be flushed out!
  • Everything that affected people in your family line, in your lineage or your village, you are coming out of it!
  • What they said people from your father’s house or community could not achieve, you shall be the first to achieve it!
  • God is about to use you to terminate the negative trends in your family
  • You are the one God will use to break the pattern, tendency and challenge in your lineage!
  • The devil shall not silence your voice!
  • Whatever it is in your life that is a negative pattern, today, in the Name of Jesus, the resurrected Lord, that pattern is broken!
  • Children bury parents, not parents burying children, therefore I declare, every spell of premature death is broken!
  • Every curse against your life is deleted by the Blood of Jesus!
  • Whatever is not of God in your life, shall be swallowed up by the Blessing today!
  • I prophesy, light and Truth are coming for you!
  • I stand here by the privilege of God as pastor over this House and I take authority over every curse and work of darkness, I break that yoke and break the curse in Jesus’ Name!
  • For a long time you have struggled for what is yours, from this moment, what is yours shall look for you

You can READ other MESSAGES from same author by clicking HERE

Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, 07026385437 OR 08141320204.

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