PARADOX of the 21ST CENTURY! By AJIBOLA, Damilola Segun

THE Paradox of the 21st century is in a world so religious and yet at the peak of immoralities of all ages.

What do we have these days…?
It’s such that wrong, abnormal deeds have become so normalized to the extent that the very few who tries to be ‘normal’ are now tagged the abnormal ones –

Or, how else do you explain it when you’re seen as the ‘bad guy’ by your colleagues simply because you decided as a student not to aid malpractice in the exam hall?

Today if you are not dressed looking “sexy” as a lady or wearing some offensive hair style with dropping pants as a guy even in the church, then, you’re simply not acceptable!

Bribery (a.k.a. tips, “appreciation” etc, as it is now being re-branded) at official and unofficial levels in order to get some favour, ranging from the school to the workplace, government parastatals and even in the church is now the norm in our society. Parents are the ones who now help their children to pay for ‘special centers’ where malpractices are aided during examination and change their birth certificates to suit certain requirements. I was alarmed during my NYSC compulsory service in 2013 somewhere in the south-eastern Nigeria when I saw a man on orientation camp who apparently should at least be in his forties, claiming 25yrs of age on his I.D. card because the requirement exempts persons above 30yrs.

You’re supposedly now the fool if you decide to be courteous enough to stay on the queue – and on and on. What a paradox!

Also Read: Serving God with Your Family by Pastor David Ibiyeomie

What do we have these days…?

It’s a “worldly church in a churchy world”! The church have become so worldly that you can hardly differentiate a supposed Christian brother/sister from those the bible referred to as the ‘heathen’ – after all they now dress the same way, wear the same looks, listen to same cadre of music, make a practice of bad habits and live the same untoward lifestyles etc; and when you challenge some on these issues, they are quick to tell you “it’s the heart that matters”. Makes one wonder what the bible is speaking of when it says “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good…” – Luke 6:45. If one’s heart is truly right with God, there is no way it will not reflect on the outward. If the inside of the cup is first clean, then the outside will be clean – Matt.23:26 (NIV).

It’s the days when worldly dance step, song lyrics and rhythms from polluted sources are now reedited or directly imported into the church for our praises; and then we start to ‘dance azonto and choki for Jesus’ and ‘sing yahooze’ to God whose name is Holy. What a paradox!

These days, the only difference our so called ‘gospel singers’ have from the worldly musicians is probably the “Jesus” included in their song lyrics. Virtually nothing else stands them out, from their appearances to their lifestyle!

The Word of God couldn’t be clearer in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. It says:

14 DO NOT BE YOKED TOGETHER WITH UNBELIEVERS. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?

16 What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.”

17 Therefore, “COME OUT FROM THEM AND BE SEPARATE, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.”

18 And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” [NIV]

Beloved, it is high time we sat down to examine ourselves in all sincerity and truth, whether we are actually on this highway of HOLINESS, without which no one shall see God (Hebrews 12:14). Or, we are just being deceived and blindfolded by the lies of the devil. Note what the scripture says in Revelations 21:27; “AND THERE SHALL IN NO WISE ENTER INTO IT (heaven) ANY THING THAT DEFILETH, NEITHER WHATSOEVER WORKETH ABOMINATION, OR MAKETH A LIE: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”

The question therefore is; ‘Is “my” name written in the Lamb’s book of life?’ Ask yourself this and be true to yourself in answering it. If the answer is ‘No’ or you are in doubts, then you can become sure now simply by calling Jesus Christ into your life afresh now, accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour. If you want to be born again, you want all your sins forgiven and completely written off irrespective of what your past looks like, say this prayer of faith with all your heart:

Father, in the name of Jesus, I come to you this moment Lord Jesus having realized myself as a sinner. I confess my sins before you Lord Jesus and I ask that you forgive me. Please Lord write now my name in the Lamb’s book of life. I promise to walk in holiness through your word and by the help of the holy Spirit from today onward. Thank You Jesus for saving me. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

If you have said that prayer, congratulations! You are now a child of God. You should now begin to make conscious effort to live your life from today as a child of God indeed. Make the word of God a must feed daily, while you avoid things, persons or places that can lead you back into the mud of sin. Ask God to baptize you with the promised Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in new tongues.

God bless you.

PARADOX of the 21ST CENTURY! By AJIBOLA, Damilola Segun
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