Breaking Family and Generational Curses (2) By Pastor Paul Enenche



SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Understanding what it takes to receive your deliverance

Receiving deliverance is one thing but maintaining deliverance is another thing altogether.

Many have been delivered but some of the time, the affliction seems to return.

If you remember how you came out, you can continue to remain out.
Whatever you did to get delivered, you must continue to do or even increase in it to remain delivered (Isa. 51:1-2).

Also Read: Divine Preservation Through the Word of God By Pastor Paul Enenche


  1. Remain in the Lord; remain in uprightness (Eccl. 10:8; Isa. 54:14)
    1a. If you break the hedge, the serpent will bite (Eccl. 10:8)
    1b. You can be far from oppression, only if you are established in righteousness (Isa. 54:14)
  2. Walk in the Light (John 8:32; Isa. 2:5; Rom. 12:1-2)
    Walk in the revelation that brought you liberty
    2a. Darkness can only return when light has grown dim (Rom. 12:1-2)
    2b. Revelation is what sustains liberation (Rom. 12:1-2)
    If you ever got a revelation that delivered you from one thing or the other, you must continuously recharge in that revelation
    Your eating of yesterday cannot handle your hunger of tomorrow
    The tape or CD that charged you up, listen to it again and again
  3. Maintain spiritual intensity (Rom. 12:11; Matt. 13:25)
    Spiritual intensity/wakefulness is needed to keep the darkness at bay
    There is a level of spiritual temperature that you will maintain that makes it impossible for affliction to come near you
    3a. The enemy plants evil when men sleep (Matt. 13:25)
    The season of spiritual slumbering is a season of high satanic oppression
    3b. Spiritual emptiness facilitates demonic oppression, repossession and re-entry (Matt. 12:43-45a)
    You need to declare charging sessions (consecrational fasting and prayer) just to let the devil know you are alive, aware and in charge!
    Go into the Bible and look for the scriptures that back your convictions; refuel your fuel; recharge
    your charge! Don’t live by assumption!
    Jesus didn’t just carry your sickness and affliction, He also carried your premature death (Heb. 2:9)
  4. Live in the Blessing (Deut. 28:1-End)
    The Blessing is the curse neutralizer
    4a. To live in the Blessing is to live beyond the encroachment of the curse
    4b. If you do the things that keep you in the Blessing, you are kept out of curses
    Obedience to Divine instruction (Deut. 28:1-2); righteousness (Ps. 5:12); Covenant practice (Mal. 3:10); prophetic covering (Num. 6:23); Service to God (Ex. 23:25) – all of these things keep you in the Blessing
    To walk in the things that guarantee the blessing is to escape the curse
  5. Remain under prophetic covering (Hos. 12:13; Mark 10:52)
    5a. The prophetic mantle that terminates your captivity is the same mantle that sustains your liberty (Mark 10:52)
    5b. To remain under the mantle is to triumph over the battle
    Any battle that passes your power cannot pass the power of the mantle you are under!


Father, I receive the grace to remain under the prophetic covering, to understand the Blessing and connect with the details of the Blessing, I receive that grace Lord in Jesus’ Name

Father, help me to never let my spiritual fire to go down; I receive the grace to maintain spiritual intensity and to walk in the light in Jesus’ Name

Father, grace to remain in the Lord, I receive it Lord, in Jesus’ Name

Father, I come before You today, to receive complete and total freedom from the power of the enemy today. I reject the curse, I reject every ancestral/generational/witchcraft/occultic covenant and agreement to damn my life and my destiny, I reject it. By the Blood of Jesus, I receive my freedom and liberty from the powers of hell. Every spirit of near success syndrome, rise and crash, premature death, wretchedness, I reject you. Every liability of my father’s house and cyclical pattern, I reject you. Today, I receive my freedom and liberty NOW in Jesus’ Name!

I make demands on the mantle of God upon this altar to attack every battle of my life, family and destiny; I make demands on the Blood of Jesus to neutralize, cancel and annul every curse or spell over my life and destiny in Jesus’ Name

Father, in Nigeria, have the final say, have the best say Lord, in Jesus’ Name!

Father, in Nigeria, go ahead and manifest Yourself, in Jesus’ Name


  • The enemy may have the first say but it is God that has the final say
  • The enemy may have the first say but it is God that has the best say
  • The silence of God is not consent for the enemy; it is not weakness before the enemy, it is an incubation for His manifestation!


  • Whatever belongs to you that the enemy has delayed, it shall be released to you this morning in Jesus’ Name!
  • What is killing others in your family will never come near you! That spirit of affliction is arrested!
  • Today is the end of every rise and fall in your life!
  • Every yoke of backwardness, today is the end of it in Jesus’ Name!
  • I take authority against every arrow of premature death around your life, family and destiny; it is retrieved and returned back to sender!
  • Everything you have noticed around your father’s house that seems to be an experience in your life, today it is annulled!
  • Everything that is working contrary to Redemption, contrary to Calvary in your life, family and destiny, today, that curse is broken!
  • spirits of premature death, suicide and insanity, your tenure has expired today!
  • Your liberty is confirmed and under 24hours you shall be here to testify
  • What killed your mother, father, or loved one shall not kill you
  • Every ancestral, generational, family curse is broken!
  • Everyone looking for you for evil, they shall go for you! Every pit they dug for you, they shall fall into it!
  • They shall pay you double for trouble!
  • You cannot labour in vain or bring forth for trouble; everywhere you have laboured and they are trying to waste your labour, I decree, your harvest is released!
  • There shall be no war or bloodshed in Nigeria; anybody thirsty for blood in this nation, they shall drink their own blood!
  • No matter how hard anybody tries, the wrong person shall never ascend the throne in Nigeria at all levels!

You can READ other MESSAGES from same author by clicking HERE

Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, 07026385437 OR 08141320204.

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