Nine Commitments Needed From Church Members for Revitalization to Happen


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Church members play a role in revitalization. Their attitudes and actions must reflect an openness to reaching others. Today, we discuss nine commitments they must make to see revitalization in a church.

This Week’s Question:

FROM WADE — Podcast #056 grappled with the uniqueness of a calling to revitalizing a church. You offered helpful up-front points to the would-be revitalizing pastor. Would you flip the coin on to the reverse side and build out the attitudes and commitments of a congregation and its leadership that desires revitalization?

Episode Highlights:

  • One of the greatest joys of corporate worship is leaving our personal preferences at the door and being led together.
  • If you’re not serving in your church, you’re not really being an active member of your church.
  • The deeper in love you are with Christ, the more you will want to serve others.
  • Dying churches anesthetize the pain of dying with busyness and activity.

The nine commitments we cover are:

  1. I will move from “I am” to I will”
  2. I will worship with others
  3. I will grow together with others
  4. I will serve
  5. I will go
  6. I will give generously
  7. I will not be a church dropout
  8. I will avoid the traps of churchianity
  9. I will make a difference

Resources mentioned in this episode include:

Revitalize & Replant is sponsored by the North American Mission Board and More than 10% of churches in North America are at risk of…

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Click here to read the rest of the story from our content source/partners – Thom Rainer.

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