Commitment To Your Family by Pastor David Ibiyeomie


Commitment To Your Family by Pastor David Ibiyeomie

Topic: Commitment To Your Family

Challenges come to every home; what makes the difference between one home and the other is wisdom. From the scripture above, the “rock” is the Word of God and that rock is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Word of God. The “storm” has to do with challenges that every family faces. The “sand” represents human philosophies ideologies, tradition, and so on.

Every time you see crisis in the home, wisdom is missing. What you are not committed to, will not produce result. Successful marriages and families did not just come from heaven neither are they “lucky”; they are built on the Word of God. Workout your own salvation. Stop gallivanting from one church or pastor to another for prayers. It will not work that way. Sit down with God’s Word; practice what the Word says and you will have a successful marriage. Have a prayer altar in your family; quit going from place to place seeking deliverance for your children that you have refused to train well. Make it work with God’s Word. The devil takes advantage of a prayer-less home by bringing disagreement. The success level of a family can be affected by challenges.

Husbands and wives should never disclose their family challenges to people who are incapable of solving them; it will increase the problem. The knowledge level of a person determines the kind of answer he or she will give. If you do not want to commit crime, be committed to your family. The Almighty God believes in a relationship that has commitment as one of its vital qualities.

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In the beginning He said, “Let us make man in our image” not “Let me make man in my image”. God decided to carry others along. Therefore, when you are married, you are no longer a single person. Some persons are married but still live as singles. Consciously work on your mind to get rid of the singlehood mentality so that it does not affect your marriage.

Every problem in the family is a wisdom problem, so be committed to make it work. Just make the word of God your standard of living. As a husband, you should have time for your wife and children; as a wife, you should also have time for your husband and children.

If you do not want to give your marriage attention, then be ready to be in detention. By the time the home s in turbulence, nobody will concentrate. Wives are so powerful that they control the atmosphere of the home. If they frown, the whole atmosphere will be unfriendly. At that point; as a husband, you have to do everything for her to laugh.

One thing you should know is that Satan knows the “force” behind marriage; so, he will always want to attack. Satan knows that if a couple is committed to their marriage, anything they ask will be given to them by God. He knows the force of agreement.

Matthew 18:19 (KJV) Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

The devil knows that the strongest force of agreement is between the husband and wife. This is because the husband and the wife operate at three dimensional levels: spirit, soul and body, which no two other persons share. So, when they come into agreement in prayers, God is committed to answer them. So, Satan brings in little things to tear them apart and that is the reason both the husband and the wife must be very prayerful. The devil brings in stupid thoughts that do not exist anywhere to wrongly advice the woman to fight against her husband, especially when a great breakthrough for the family is at hand. When husband and wife understand the principle of commitment, they will immediately identify the finger of the devil and cast him out of the family.

Children should not take the place of the husband or wife in the family. Love the children and also love your spouse; place them in their respective places. You are in that marriage because of your spouse. You are not married to your children.

If your wife does not know how to dress well, teach her. If you do not like how her hair looks, then show her how it should look by taking her to the saloon and showing the hair dresser the one you want for her. If your husband does not know how to perform sexually and you know how to, teach him. When it comes to commitment, you should be ready to stick to any situation in the marriage to make it work.

God bless you!

Also Read: Other Inspiring Messages by Pastor David Ibiyeomie

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Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

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