The Profitability of Faith By Pastor Paul Enenche




  1. Understanding the profit of faith
  2. Understanding access to faith

Faith is doorway to spiritual rewards and profit.
We do not believe God in vain (Isa. 45:19)


  1. Faith attracts substantial evidence of the reality of God into the life of the believer (Heb. 11:1)
  2. You cannot be in faith and be without proofs
  3. Faith is what makes the Word of God profitable (Heb. 4:2)
    It is possible to have religion without reality but you cannot have faith without reality


  1. Faith is key to power (Acts 6:8; 2Thess. 1:11; 1Pet. 1:5; Mark 5:28-38)
    The presence of faith is the presence of power; the fullness of faith is the fullness of power
    Those who walk in faith never beg for power
    Faith people are movers and shakers because of the availability of power
  2. Faith is key to glory (John 11:40; 1Pet. 1:8; Mark 10:27; Mark 9:23)
    The faith realm is the glory realm
    Faith moves people to the realm of God, that is the realm of possibilities (Mark 10:27; 9:23)
    Life becomes glorious when faith is alive
  3. Faith is key to the Blessing (Gal. 3:9; 13-14; Ps. 27:13)
    Faith connects a person to the Blessing
    To believe or to have faith is to see the goodness of the Lord; faith is a doorway to the blessing
    Faith moves you to an enviable status
    The faith realm is the realm of escape from the curses of life
  4. Faith is key to wholeness (Matt. 9:22; 15:28; Mark 10:52; Luke 17:19)
    Faith makes whole; faith repairs and restores lives and destinies
    Faith is the cure for the deficiencies and insufficiencies of life
  5. Faith is key to victory and triumph (1John 5:4; Heb. 11:32-34)
    Faith is the guarantee for victory, any day, anytime and anywhere!
    Faith will make a victor out of a victim, a captain out of a captive and a conqueror out of the conquered
    By faith we subdue kingdoms, obtain promises, stop the mouths of lions, quench the violence of fire, escape the edge of the sword, we wax valiant in fight and turn to flight the armies of the aliens! (Heb. 11:32-34)
    ‘In the Name of Jesus, I will not lose another battle another day of my life!’

Also Read: Breaking Family and Generational Curses (2) By Pastor Paul Enenche

Light from Scripture (Rom. 10:8, 17; Acts 6:7; 1Thess. 1:8; Heb. 11:3)
Anywhere the Word of God explodes, faith explodes!
There is an inextricable relationship between faith and the Word of God


a. Access the Light from Scripture (Matt. 15:26; 6:11; 1Tim. 5:8; Ps. 105:37; 119:130)
Anywhere the Word of God explodes, faith explodes!
You are entitled to healing daily (Matt. 15:26; Matt. 6:11)
Light is a productive of revelational equations
Jesus died young so that you can live long (Heb. 2:9; Hab. 2:4)

b. Attune your thoughts to the Light of Scripture (Rom. 12:1-2; 2Cor. 10:3-5)
It is unto you according to your faith and it is equally unto you according to your thoughts (Prov. 23:7; Eph. 3:20)
You can’t think up and stay down; you can’t think authority and remain in captivity!

c. Align your talk with Light from Scripture (2Cor. 4:13; Isa. 8:20)
Don’t speak carelessly, speak calculatedly; don’t speak your situation, speak your revelation; don’t speak your confrontation, speak your conviction; don’t speak what you feel, speak what He wills; don’t speak what is happening, speak what is written!
Be optimistic, positivistic, enthusiastic and audacious; speak even in spite of fear

d. Adjust your walk to the Light from Scripture (Ps. 119:105; Isa. 2:5; 2Cor. 5:7; Jam. 2:20)
Take steps in line with Light from Scripture; do what God wants you to do in order to see what God wants you to see

Father, I come before You today to surrender myself to You. Thank You for access to power, glory, the Blessing, wholeness and victory by faith through Your Word in Jesus’ Name.

Impartation of the goodness of the Lord


  • Every spirit of death looking for you or your loved ones returns back to hell!
  • We decree that the north-east, north-west, north-central, south-east, south-west and south-south are safe in Jesus’ Name!
  • God’s plan for your life will stand irrespective of who or what questions it or confronts it!
  • Everyone that is a victim of confrontation by the powers of darkness, fighting the plan and purpose for your life, today, I declare, that agenda is collapsed! God will prove Himself in your life!
  • The plan of God for your life must stand! Every contrary agenda of the enemy concerning your life is arrested!
  • What fought your parents will never be able to stop you. What fought others in your family shall not prevail against you!
  • Anybody standing in the way of God’s plan for your life, today, they are moved out of the way and you are established in Jesus’ Name
  • I rebuke the demon of spirit wife in the life of a young man. Lose your grip on that man! GET OUT!
  • A satanic court case against your life or family is cancelled right now! The accuser is about to become the accused and the prosecutor is about to become the defendant!
  • I prophesy to you, you are stepping in to the realm of substantial and evidential Christianity through faith!
  • Whatever is missing in your life, today, they are restored, replaced and replenished!
  • You shall not be servicing sickness the remaining days of your life!
  • You shall not be battling with weakness the remaining days of your life!
  • The last battle that defeated you shall be the last forever!
  • Every battle for your life, family, children, career etc, I announce today, by the mystery of faith, the battle is over and it is over in your favour!
  • Every yoke of limitation is broken! Every embargo is lifted!
  • Under the next 24 hours, my God and your God will give you a testimony!

You can READ other MESSAGES from same author by clicking HERE

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Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

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