Grace for Financial Success (Part 3) by Pastor Sam Adeyemi


Grace for Financial Success (Part 3) by Pastor Sam Adeyemi

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2 Corinthians 8:9 – For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. (NIV)

God has made provision for Christians to enjoy provision through grace based on the finished work of Christ. The finished work of Christ is that Jesus Christ went to the cross and satisfied the demands of justice. Jesus died an innocent man and his death is credited to our accounts. When we accept God and Christ, our spiritual reality changes and the nature of sin is removed from us. It is on this platform of grace based on the finished work of Christ that guarantees the provision for us.

Grace means gift. It is something you can never work for. Financial provision or financial success for a Christian is a gift. Last week, we emphasized the fact that when provision has been made for you spiritually, you are now rich since Jesus took your place by taking your poverty in exchange for His riches. To translate this reality into physical reality there is a need to work. Work here signifies adding value, solving problems and meeting a need because money is a means for exchange of value.

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Another way for the exchange of value is GIVING. This also follows the principle that ‘if value goes from you, value will come back to you’ as established last week. In Luke 8:1-3 we further see this principle in place. Jesus added value through healing people and casting out demons from their lives. In return, value flowed back from them to Him, in that they provided for His material needs.

In 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 (NLT) we observe that giving aligns with the law of money. To be able to give, we must be working; providing value for others. Ephesians 4:28 shows the complete cycle, where you see the two levels for provision described. The first one is by adding value through work. The grace of God rests upon our resources generated from honest work devoid of stealing or begging. Then there is the next level where you can have something to give to others. What you give determines what you get in return. Giving must be done willingly without being pressured or coerced. When you give value reluctantly it is proof that you are not expecting to get value back in return.

Let’s be aware that whatever it is you have, you got it on the platform of grace. It was a gift given you in the realm of the spirit before you got it in physical manifestation. If you got it as a gift, you must be willing to show grace to others as well. You have to let the cycle continue. Practice grace. Give some of what you have received as a gift.

In Prov 11:24-25 (NIV) we are motivated to demonstrate grace by being children of God, Our Father. If you have enjoyed grace from God, you should show grace to others especially those less endowed. You should take care of your spiritual and natural families too. In Romans 8:32, we see that giving is motivated by love. God also showed us grace through love by giving his best. Every human being is an extension of God. God’s word also instructs that we give to ministers of the gospel. Finally, be obedient to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

In Acts 4: 32, portrays that in the place where there is generosity, there is also great grace. Grace for giving is power.

Pastor Samuel Adeyemi is the Senior Pastor of Daystar Christian Centre, a fast growing, life changing church committed to “raising role models” based in Lagos. He is also the President of Success Power International

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