Joyce Meyer Devotional 31 March 2019 — Add Flavor Everywhere You Go


Topic: Add Flavor Everywhere You Go [Joyce Meyer Devotional 31 March 2019]

“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. — Matthew 5:13

I think it’s safe to say that most of what the world offers is tasteless—and I’m not talking about food. For example, most of the movies Hollywood produces and the way people treat each other in the world today are tasteless.

Usually when we see any type of behavior that is in poor taste, we are quick to blame “the world.” We might say something like, “What is the world coming to?” Yet the phrase “the world” merely means the people who live in the world. If the world has lost its flavor, it is because people have become tasteless in their attitudes and actions.

Jesus said we are the salt of the earth (see Matthew 5:13). He also said we are the light of the world and should not hide our light (see Matthew 5:14).

Think of it this way: Each day as you leave your home, you can add God’s light and flavor to any environment. You can bring joy to your workplace by being determined to consistently have a godly attitude, and through simple things like being thankful, patient, merciful, quick to forgive offenses, kind, and encouraging. Even simply smiling and being friendly is a way to bring flavor into a tasteless society.

I want you to try an experiment. Just think: I am going to go out into the world today and spice things up. Get your mind set before you ever walk out the door that you are going out as God’s ambassador, and that your goal is to be a giver, to love people, and to add good flavor to their lives.

The question each of us must answer is, “What have I done today to make someone else’s life better?”

Prayer Starter: Father, help me to add “flavor” everywhere I go today. Show me ways I can truly love and bless others…and represent You in everything I do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If you missed yesterday devotional, please click to read “Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional HERE’’

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries.

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