Joyce Meyer Devotional 14 April 2019 — God Will Meet You in the Fire


Topic: God Will Meet You in the Fire [Joyce Meyer Devotional 14 April 2019]


We believe God is going to deliver us, but even if He does not, we are not conforming to your image of what you think we ought to be. We are going to do what God is telling us to do. You can do what you want to with your furnace. But whatever happens to us, we will have peace. — Daniel 3:17-18 (Paraphrased)

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship the golden idol that King Nebuchadnezzar constructed, and as a result were thrown into the fiery furnace (see Daniel 3). These three young men had no idea what would happen to them, but they were willing to put their lives on the line instead of disobeying God. We need people today who will take a stand for righteousness, for what is right according to God’s Word. If this does not happen, our world will be in serious trouble.

Many times, people fail to stand up for righteousness because they are afraid of what will happen when they do. Will they lose their jobs? Will they lose their friends? Will God abandon them? In situations such as these, when we do not know what the outcome or result of a situation will be, we need to trust God and press forward to do what we believe is right. Even if we are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, God’s Word says we are blessed (see Matthew 5:10). Those three Hebrew boys would’ve never experienced their incredible miracle if they weren’t willing to trust God as they stood in that fire.

The world desperately needs men and women who will trust God even in the midst of the fires of persecution and outside pressure. God can put us in better places than people could ever put us if we trust in Him and if we are people of integrity and excellence. We need people who will put everything on the line and say, “Even if I lose what I want, I will not compromise and do what I know in my heart to be wrong.” We need to fear the Lord above all else, and to trust Him at all times, in every situation, every day of our lives.

Trust in Him. Don’t be afraid to stand up for righteousness, because you know He’ll never leave you or forsake you.

Prayer Starter: Father, when the “fire” is turned up in my life, help me to stand strong and be a good representative for You. Help me to walk in integrity and do what’s right, even when it’s not popular. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries.

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