He Leads Us Through The Word – Rhapsody of Realities 28 April 2019


Rhapsody of Realities 28 April 2019 By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome – He Leads Us Through The Word

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Topic: He Leads Us Through The Word

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God (Romans 8:14).

The Holy Spirit leads us through the Word. Any counsel you receive that’s contrary to what the Word says, isn’t from the Holy Spirit. Some people pray about something, then an idea comes to them, and they say, “Well, God is leading me to do such-and-such.” If you were to ask them, “Why do you believe it’s God that’s leading you in that direction?” they’d say, “It’s because I prayed about it.”

The fact that you prayed isn’t enough! What did the Lord say to you after you prayed? Did He tell you expressly to go ahead and do whatever it is you think He’s leading you to do? Is the idea you got consistent with the Word? Is it consistent with His perfect will for you? His Word is His will expressed. Yielding to the Spirit means yielding to the lordship, supremacy and guidance of His Word.

This is why knowing the Word for yourself is absolutely indispensable. It’s important to have accurate knowledge of the Word. The more submissive you are to the lordship of the Word, the easier you’ll recognise the Spirit’s guidance. His desire is to lead you from glory to glory.

Our theme verse says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” To fulfill God’s destiny for your life, you must learn to follow the Spirit in the Word, by the Word, and through the Word. Don’t be in a hurry when seeking His guidance; be patient until you hear His voice—His words— in your spirit. Then you’re ready to go! His Word gives you light, and direction, and holds the solution to every problem.

Irrespective of the troubles, adversities, and challenges, trust the Word. Put your faith in the Word. Become so inundated with the Word until the Word alone is all you think, talk and live out. The Word enjoins us, “…Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16).

Dear Father, your Word gives me strength and ministers courage to my spirit. My faith is strong and active, and it prevails over circumstances as the Spirit guides me in the path of life. His truth and wisdom are the forces of my life, propelling me from glory to glory as I walk in the Spirit, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

1 John 1:7; Isaiah 30:21; Psalm 119:105

Luke 22:66-23:1-25 & 2 Samuel 1-3

Mark 6:1-13 & Numbers 1

Rhapsody of Realities 28th April 2019 Devotional was written by Pastor Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (D.Sc., D.D.). President of Loveworld Inc. aka Christ Embassy Int’l.

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