Angel of Grace and Favour


Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises: [03/MAY/2019]

Topic: Angel of Grace and Favour

And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. – Luke 1:30

Read: Luke 1:28-38

Angels are real. If anyone tells you that angels are not real, such a fellow has not encountered them but the day he or she would, his or her orientation about the reality of angels would change. This morning right at the bus stop, God sent an angel to me in human form who eased not just the stress, my Nephew, niece and I would have gone through but also saved us excess financial wastage. When you encounter an angelic visit you know, but I believe the reason why many people do not believe and have actually missed their assistance and blessings is because they come in human forms.

Also Read: Provoking Divine Favour by Pastor David Ibiyeomie

We are told in the Scriptures that angels are our messengers, they are there to minister to us the heirs of salvation. They are everywhere in the world ministering to the needs of the children of God. There are angels of grace and favour right where you are. Since this is the month of grace, those angels are there to make us enjoy favour before men. Since they are working for us, our duty is to put them to work and the way to do this is through prayer to God who is their commander in chief. They’re always before God, so when you talk to God, He releases them in your favour.

They are Holy Angels which qualifies them to stand before the Holy God to do His biddings. This means that, you must be holy to pray to God to release them for your help. For this to happen, you must be washed in the blood of Jesus by giving your life to Him. Salvation qualifies you to enjoying an angelic visitation.

Bible Promises Prayer: Father Lord, as heir of salvation, for the rest of my life, let me enjoy the ministry of angels in Jesus Mighty Name.

Written By Emode Victor

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