He Is Pleased!


Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises: [06/MAY/2019]

Topic: He Is Pleased!

He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. – Proverbs 28:13.

Read: Acts 3:19

From the written Word of God, it’s crystal clear that God loves us and desires our freedom and establishment as His own dear children. He wants us to enjoy prosperity on earth and continue until we meet Him in glory. His utmost desire is that we take charge over everything He created in the world as his original in the garden of Eden in Genesis 2:26. God created us to have dominion over everything He created.

But when man fell from this grace, he lost everything to the prince of the world – Satan. For His love, He sent Jesus to restore everything man had lost back to man. Therefore, for man to have full access to this restoration of all things that initially belong to him that he lost, acknowledgement of his shortcomings and repentance from those sins is required from man.

Now God is supposed to be bitter and angry with man, but when you go through the Scriptures, you discover that this same God (for His love for us) He is now the one pleading for us to return to Him in repentance. From proverbs 28:13, you discover that our repentance will not benefit God but us alone. God is pleased when we repent and come back to Him. We are supposed to be happy for God accepting us back, but He is happiest when we come back. The prodigal son’s father was happy more than the prodigal son when he returned home. Why not make God happy (though it’s for your benefit) now by returning to Him?

Bible Promises Thought: Though repentance benefits you in all ways, but God is the happiest when you repent. Therefore make Him happy to your benefit.

Written By Emode Victor

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