Joyce Meyer Devotional 14 May 2019 — Practice Common Courtesy


Topic: Practice Common Courtesy [Joyce Meyer Devotional 12 May 2019]

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…[Love] is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly.… — 1 Corinthians 13:5 (AMPC)

Being courteous is a way to show kindness and respect for others. One way to be courteous is to always say “please” and “thank you.” These are two forms of common courtesy that I encourage you to practice.

I want to especially encourage you to be courteous at home with your family. I am trying to remember to always say “please” when I ask Dave to do something for me, and “thank you” when he has done it.

It is very important that we don’t take our loved ones for granted. Having good manners in public should be an overflow of what we normally do at home behind closed doors.

Love is not rude, according to 1 Corinthians 13:5. Rudeness usually results from selfishness, and one way to fight it is to use good manners at all times. Our society is filled with rudeness, harshness, and crudeness, but this does not display the character of God.

Jesus said He is “not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing” (Matthew 11:30 AMPC), and we need to follow His example.

We certainly need to make a point of being thankful and expressing our gratitude. In several places, the Bible makes the point that we are to be thankful and say so. We may think we are thankful, grateful people, but what is in the heart does come out of our mouths (see Matthew 12:34). If we are indeed appreciative, expressing thanks should come naturally for us.

Prayer Starter: Lord, help me today to show courtesy—kindness and respect—with everyone around me. I don’t want to be selfish or rude. Please continue to change me and make me more like Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries.

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