Christian Association of Nigeria Demands Answers from Government After Boko Haram Executes Pastor Lawan Andimi


Frustration and fear reign in Nigeria. On Monday, Boko Haram executed a well-known pastor and regional Christian leader, Lawan Andimi. Yesterday, the Christian Association of Nigeria demanded answers from the Nigerian government.

“The sentiments were ‘Hey, national government, you have announced repeatedly that you defeated Boko Haram. But, look at what happened,” Voice of the Martyrs USA spokesman Todd Nettleton says.

“‘They obviously are not defeated. They’re still killing Christians. They’re still killing pastors.’”

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As explained here, Boko Haram surfaced as a serious threat to Nigeria’s believers in mid-2009. Its name means “Western education is sin,” and the terrorists’ goal is to eradicate everything associated with the West – including Christianity.

President Muhammed Buhari was elected in 2015, reportedly on “the strength of promises to end terrorism and improve security in the country.” After a brief lull, Boko Haram attacks surged again in 2019.

Boko Haram isn’t the only danger. 

SOURCE: Mission Network News, Katey Hearth

VIA The Christian Mail

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